Obesity is the accumulation of body fat due to a pet’s overeating and lack of exercise. The disease usually occurs in old and inactive dogs. At the same time, dogs that are fed home-cooked food, or are fed while sitting and snacking, are also more likely to become obese than dogs that only eat foods that are specifically made for them.
Obesity causes many problems that negatively affect the health of dogs such as: Heart disease, reduced life expectancy, knee problems, breathing problems, fatigue, increased risk of stroke, diabetes, problems joint problems, including arthritis, pancreatic problems.
Diagnosis and treatment
Obesity causes many health problems, some diseases also lead to obesity in dogs. Owners should take their pets for regular check-ups so that the veterinarian can diagnose whether the dog is overweight or obese and its causes to provide an appropriate diet.
Consult your doctor before changing your dog’s eating and exercise habits. Losing weight slowly is safer. Losing weight too quickly will not be suitable for dogs with passive habits. The most effective way to lose weight is to let your pet exercise more and reduce the amount of food provided daily. When starting to lose weight, dogs should not lose more than 2% of their initial body mass in a week. For example, a dog over 45 kg should not lose more than 1 kg/week. A suitable weight loss program should last a year or more so as not to adversely affect the dog’s health.
When losing weight for pets, note that it is recommended to use a measuring cup to determine the amount of food for the dog and to feed many small meals a day (3 meals or more). Owners can gradually introduce lower-calorie foods to their pet, incorporating and gradually replacing the old food over the course of a few weeks until completely switching to the new food. Minimizing the dog snacking, and should give the dog snacks with low-calorie foods such as: apples, bananas, carrots, green beans, lean meat (cooked), melons, pears, products Low-calorie snacks specifically for dogs.
Note: absolutely do not feed your dog (or cat) grapes or raisins because these foods can cause kidney disease in pets.
Do exercise
You can help your dog be more active and lose weight by letting him play and walk. Note that not all exercise methods are suitable for all dog breeds. Should get into the habit of walking the dog slowly, about 10-20 minutes and 1-2 times a day, avoiding too hot or cold days. In addition, the owner should let the dog participate in some other energy-intensive activities such as throwing balls, shooting sticks, playing with other dogs, running, swimming, tug-of-war.
Pet weight loss is a business that takes time. Owners should take their pets to a doctor for advice on the right treatment. Persistence in losing weight for pets to help them stay healthy, prevent many diseases and feel more comfortable.