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Pets from many different countries around the world are currently very popular all around the world. Those are smart, friendly dogs with a petite, pretty and cute appearance. To learn more about pet dogs, please follow the article below of Caringforpet!

1. Synthesis of pet dogs

Below is a summary of the representative dog species in the world as well as in Vietnam. The representative dog breed is the most famous and most kept.

1.1 Pug

The true origin of the “saggy-faced” Pugs is currently unknown. According to many sources, this “shaggy-faced” dog appeared from the Han Dynasty – China around 200 BC. At that time, Pug dogs were classified as aristocratic, enjoying a luxurious life and Pug dog owners were mainly mandarins, princes, and Chinese nationals.

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Origin of Pug

Origin of Pug

  • Characteristics

Pug dog has a height of 25 – 35 cm and weighs about 6 – 10 kg. Possessing a short height and a large body, the Pug has a square body. The Pug’s back is straight, neither concave nor tight, so they have a rather majestic and steady gait. Pug dogs have quite soft skin and every time they stroke them, they will feel extremely comfortable.

The uncle pug purebred will be first on the horizontal arc. In particular, they have almost no nasal bones, so they often have difficulty breathing. When viewed from the front, the Pug has a large round face with many wrinkles stacked on top of each other. If any Pug dog has more wrinkles, it will be loved. Chó Pug - Nguồn Gốc, Đặc Điểm, Giá Bán Pug Mặt Xệ


The petite, lovely appearance of the saggy-faced Pug

Pug dogs possess large round and protruding eyes, purebred Pug dogs will have dark eyes. Their ears are always folded and large. Their mouth is quite wide, the jawbone is large and strong. Particularly, the lower jaw will be slightly protruding compared to the upper jaw. …

Contrary to the fierce and serious face, the Pug dog personality is very gentle and sociable. Moreover, they are extremely intelligent, alert, loyal and very friendly with people and other dogs.

Pug dog

Discover the super-loving, saggy-faced Pug breed that catches many people’s hearts

  • How to raise

Health care

– The living space is cool, clean and not wet

– Pug is a glutton, so it is easy to become obese, you should not give your dog too much fatty acid. Moreover, they are very lazy, so you need to regularly take them out to exercise and exercise, every day should let them run and jump for about 15 – 30 minutes to have good health.

– They have a lot of wrinkles on their faces, so you must regularly clean them to avoid skin infections

– Pug dogs often have dental disease, so you should brush them about 3 times a week.


– 1 – 2 months old: Pugs should be fed with minced food and supplemented with commercially available dry food. Pug should eat a little more, about 4-5 meals / day.

– 2 – 6 months old: At this stage, the Pug should be supplemented with foods rich in calories, protein, … and let the Pug gradually learn to eat meat, fish, shrimp, and vegetables with a frequency of 3. – 4 meals/day

– 6 months onwards: From this stage, it is advisable to reduce the Pug’s diet and increase nutrition in the diet such as foods rich in protein, fiber and protein and green vegetables. Thus, the Pug will grow healthy and develop physically.

Pug dog food

What to feed Pug?

1.2 Poodles

Poodles were known in Western Europe about 400 years ago and they are descendants of breeds such as French Water Dog, Hungarian Water Hound and Barbet. Today, people have bred this duck hunting dog into a noble and lovely image, becoming a dog that is loved by many people.

  • Longevity

Poodle is a very lovely duck hunting dog, the Poodle species is currently popular with 3 types: Toy Poodle , Mini Poodle and Standard Poodle and all have a lifespan of 12-15 years. The other two unrecognized sizes, Tiny and Teacup, have a fairly short lifespan, from 5 to 8 years.


As a beautiful dog, Poodle always makes others fall for his lovely appearance

  • Characteristics

Poodles always make others fall for their cute and lovely appearance. Most prominent is the characteristic curly coat with colors such as sepia, white, black, apricot yellow, cream, gray, white, chocolate.

In terms of personality, most Poodles are friendly, naughty and intelligent dogs. In particular, they learn very quickly and their ability to learn is very good.

Poodle dog appearance characteristics

The appearance of the Poodle makes many hearts fall

  • Longevity

Poodle is a lovely duck hunting dog, the Poodle species is currently popular with 3 types: Top Poodle, Mini Poodle and Standard Poodle and all have a lifespan of 12-15 years. The other two unrecognized sizes, Tiny and Teacup, have a fairly short lifespan, from 5 to 8 years.

  • How to raise

Poodle dog health care

  1. Poodles cannot tolerate very hot or cold climates. Therefore, a clean, spacious and airy place to live is a good condition for them. In winter, you should limit walking Poodle because the winter weather outside is quite cold, they have thick and ruffled fur, but their ability to keep warm is very poor.
  2. Poodle is a dog that loves to exercise, run and jump, so every day you should take them for a walk and let them communicate with other dogs.
  3. Poodles get cold easily, so use warm water to bathe them
  4. Possessing a thick coat, the Poodle must be bathed regularly, about 2-3 times a week.
  5. Poodles grow hair very quickly, so you should trim your Poodle’s hair once a month


Poodle’s diet changes according to their age. You can learn to cook Poodle dog food or buy food at reputable and reliable addresses.

  1. From 1-2 months: At this age you should give them soft foods such as pureed porridge, warm milk and remember to divide them into 4-5 meals.
  2. From 3 – 6 months old: Poodle at this stage has become stronger, so you can give them chicken porridge, beef porridge, … and drink a lot of milk.
  3. From 7 months old and up: Add more foods rich in calcium, protein, protein and vegetables. You should feed your Poodle 2-3 meals a day, the menu should change so that the Poodle doesn’t get bored.

Poodle dog food

Poodle dog food


  • Poodle dogs are very prone to colds and respiratory diseases, Poodle dogs also often have problems such as hair diseases, bone and joint diseases, intestinal diseases and other diseases,… A thick coat will is the cause of fungal diseases, white dandruff. So please take care of Poodle clean and carefully, always ensure them a healthy body.
  • When you find out that your Poodle has respiratory problems, you should give them bronchodilators or ginger water to keep their body warm.
  • They need to be taken to the vet for regular deworming and vaccinations.

1.3 The Beagle Dog

The Beagle dog appeared about 2400 years ago and it is the result of crossbreeding between the native English dog and the Talbot greyhound. Around the nineteenth century, the Beagle was introduced to England and gradually became popular throughout Europe.

Beagle dog is so cute

  • Characteristics

Possessing a lovely and attractive appearance, Beagle dogs are loved by many people and want to own them as pets. They have a height of about 33 – 41cm in adulthood and weigh from 10 – 11kg for male dogs, 9 – 10kg for female dogs. They have a square, sturdy body and stand out with a smooth trichomed coat and characteristic drooping ears.

The Beagle is a fun and active dog that looks full of energy and seems to enjoy the outdoors. However, they have a predatory nature, which can harm other pets such as cats, rabbits, hamsters, …

Beagle dog characteristics

Beagle is a smart and good housekeeper

  • Longevity

Vibrant, sociable and human-friendly Beagles have a lifespan ranging from 12 to 15 years.

  • How to raise

Health care

– Beagle dogs are hyperactive and energetic dogs, so they often wander. So you should be careful when he is out of the house and his dog is out for a walk, it is best to chain them up for easier control.

Because of their short coat, they only occasionally bathe them. When bathing should use medium warm water, remove all of their fallen hair, then clean the wrinkles on the face.

– Go to the vet and get regular vaccinations


– In terms of eating, Beagle dogs are extremely easygoing, they are not too picky and can eat everything. You can feed them pre-packaged, pre-packaged treats or cook them yourself.

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Beagle dog food

1.4 Chihuahuas

The Chihuahua is the smallest of all dogs in the world and also the oldest breed in the Americas. This dog originated in Mexico but is known to the whole world thanks to China. Their name is taken from the Mexican state, Chihuahuan, where the dog was found.

Chihuahua Dog


  • Characteristics

Chihuahuas are small dogs with round heads and short muzzles. Their eyes are large, round and convex. The large Chihuahua’s ears are always in a state of perforation.

  • Longevity

Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world today. Their lifespan is quite long, from 10 to 18 years depending on the climate and environment they live in. For example, if you live in Europe and America, the life expectancy is 15-18 years, if you live in Mexico, the life expectancy is 13-16 years, and in Vietnam, the Chihuahua has a life expectancy of 10-15 years.

Teacup Chihuahua

Chihuahua dog appearance

  • How to raise

Body care

– Chihuahua dogs have a natural silky coat, so they don’t need to bathe a lot, you just need to bathe them once a week is enough. When bathing them, you should remember to clean their ears and eyes carefully. In addition, Chihuahuas often lick their owners’ faces, so you also need to clean their teeth regularly so they have fresh breath.

– Go to the veterinarian for regular vaccinations and remember to vaccinate to prevent dangerous diseases.

– Their shelter must be very airy and clean, on winter days they should be kept warm because they are afraid of the cold.

– You should let them exercise regularly and exercise every day for about 15 minutes so that they are free to walk and communicate with the outside world.


– How to raise Chihuahua dogs in ensuring their nutrition is also very important, this is suitable for each stage of their development:

– Newborn -> 3 months old: Chihuahua dog food at this stage is mainly soft food, you can give them chicken porridge, pureed beef and eat 4 meals a day.

– 3 – 6 months: When Chihuahuas are older, you can give them foods rich in protein, calcium and protein such as shrimp, meat, eggs and vegetables. Make them soft and cooked to ensure their health.

– from 6 months of age onward: This is the period when it is necessary to add a lot of nutrients for the Chihuahua to develop at its best. 2 products that provide many nutrients that you should feed them are fruit and milk powder

Chihuahua dog food

Chihuahua dog food

1.5 Bulldog

Bully dogs appear since 1995 and are descendants of Pitbull dogs but they have a more urban and muscular appearance. This is a popular pet dog breed in Vietnam.

Bully dog

Bully dog

  • Characteristics

Bully dogs have a toned appearance with muscular and enlarged muscles that make their faces a bit fierce. Bully has a big head that looks very pitiful and massive. Their wide forehead shows that this dog is very intelligent. Their eyes are far apart, their snouts are relatively wide, and their teeth are sharp. Thanks to their strong teeth, they chew very well.

Bully’s legs are straight and strong. The hind legs tend to be tilted outward, making their gait a bit stooped.

Their coat is common in single, cavity, and spotted colors. There are Bullys that own all 3 different colors and their prices are not cheap.

American Bully

Bull dog is a gentle, approachable and especially loyal and intelligent dog

  • Longevity

Bully has a lifespan of 8 to 12 years.

  • How to raise

– Health care

– Regularly let Bully exercise to have a beautiful body

– Nutrition

– The Bully dog’s diet requires high protein such as meats, egg whites, pig liver, chicken neck, beef lungs, animal organs, milk, duck eggs,… Besides, should Combine protein-rich foods with high-carbohydrate foods.

1.6 Corgis

Corgi is a dog from England and this is a very famous dwarf dog with short legs.

  • Characteristics

The Corgi breed has a common feature of a long body and short 4 legs, the longer the dog, the more beautiful it is. Corgi dogs have very cute upright triangular ears. Their ears and face are well proportioned, their eyes are large and round, and their mouths and small jaws are extremely sharp. Overall he looks like a fox and Corgi is also known as Foxy Dog.

The Corgi has a short, thin and extremely soft coat that will help keep the Corgi warm in cold weather.


Corgi breed is very intelligent

  • Longevity

There are two types of Corgi dogs, pembroke corgi and cardigan corgi, and their lifespans are different. However, their lifespan is not much different. If the Pembroke corgi has a lifespan of 12-14 years, the Cardigan Corgi is only marginally better at 12-15 years.Chó Corgi Welsh - Tổng hợp thông tin từ A đến Z | Huấn luyện chó thành tài

  • How to raise

Health care

– The ideal habitat temperature of Corgi is 25 – 30 degrees Celsius.

– Let Corgi run and jump every day because they always ask to go outside to exercise


– 1-2 months old: In the neonatal period, Corgi dogs should eat lean meat porridge or pureed rice. In addition, warm milk should be added to them. Corgi need to eat many meals a day, about 4-5 meals.

– 3 – 6 months old: Add more meat, fish, shrimp, eggs, vegetables, cereals to their diet. But you should still puree them and mix them in rice. At this stage, Corgi only needs to eat 3-4 meals/day

– 6 months of age and older: Add more protein and calcium for strong skeletal muscle development. Along with that is the fiber and vitamins in vegetables and tubers. At this stage, Corgi should be fed 2-3 meals/day.

Feed the Corgi in stages

Corgi dogs should be fed according to the appropriate diet in each age stage

1.7 Doberman

Doberman dog is a dog breed that was bred in Germany in the 1860s from Pinschers with Rottweiler, Beauceron and Pinschers, etc. The name Doberman is taken from the name of the person who bred this dog, Mr. Doberman.

Doberman dog

Doberman dog breed

  • Characteristics

The uncle Doberman with athletic body, tall and very sturdy healthy. Male Dobermans have an ideal height of 68 to 72 cm and weigh about 40 – 45 cm, while female Dobermans have a height of 63 – 68 cm and weigh about 32 to 35 kg.

The Doberman line is now popular with two coat colors, black with yellow border and red with red border. In particular, their fur is always shiny and smooth, looking very gentlemanly.

Chó Doberman là chó gì? Cách nuôi, chọn giống và phòng bệnh cho chó

Doberman dog has a very intelligent and docile personality, loyal

  • Longevity

The Doberman is the oldest of the four legendary German dog breeds with a lifespan of 10-14 years.

  • How to raise

Health care

– Doberman is very cold tolerant, so when the weather turns cold, it is necessary to take measures to keep them warm such as wearing more warm clothes, letting them lie near the fireplace, fully equipped with blankets.

– Exercise daily and give them games such as chasing the ball, catching the bat, jumping high or catching the disc in the air.


– Doberman dogs eat a lot, so it is quite expensive to eat rice.

– On average, a Doberman weighing 30-40 kg per day will need 1 – 1.5 kg of food (equivalent to 3.5 – 4% of total body weight), depending on age and daily activity level. . Out of 1.5kg of this feed will need 45% of the weight is meat or offal (to ensure nutritional composition 30% protein and 15% fat), ie about 650-700g meat / day. The remaining weight (about 800g) will be rice (porridge or cake), vegetables, … to provide starch, fiber and vitamins.

1.8 Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff appeared quite a long time ago and is estimated to be 5000 – 6000 years ago in the Tibetan highlands of China.

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The Tibetan Mastiff is considered a giant dog, the largest dog in the world with a height and weight of 110kg and 1.2m, respectively.

The Tibetan Mastiff has four large legs, which are likened to four sturdy pillars, firmly rooted in the ground. Once running, the Tibetan Mastiff can surpass the speed of wolves, which Western explorers likened to “bigger than wolves, stronger than tigers, and faster than deer”.

The Tibetan dog has a large head and a saggy face, looks very cold and stubborn. The muzzle is long and square with a wide mouth. They have sharp teeth and great bite force, so they can kill any animal with a single bite. Tibetan clams have small and sharp eyes, slightly slanted. Their coat is super thick and has a fleece-like texture, with two layers covering the entire body.

  • Longevity

The Tibetan Mastiff has a lifespan of 12 to 15 years.

  • How to raise

Health care

– Try to keep their habitat temperature no more than 35 degrees

– The Tibetan Mastiff’s living space must be close to nature, spacious garden and fenced around to ensure they do not escape outside.


– 2 – 4 months old: In the newborn period, you should give them rice and pureed pork, divided into 3 meals/day.

– 4 – 8 months of age: During the growth period, it is necessary to add a lot of protein through foods such as beef, lean meat, animal organs and eggs, vegetables. At this time, you should only feed your dog 2 meals/day

– 8 – 12 months: At this age, it is necessary to strengthen them with tough meats: beef, goat meat, buffalo meat because they like to chew and chew a lot. Tibetan Mastiff dog food should be whole. At this stage should give 1 main meal and 1 snack.

– Over 1 year old: At this stage, you should eat at least 1 kg of meat a day

1.9 Pitbull Dogs

Pitbull dog originated in the Americas and is one of the fierce gods of other dogs in the group of fighting dogs. In recent years, Pitbull is quite popular in Vietnam

Tìm hiểu nguồn gốc đặc điểm và cách chăm sóc chó Pitbull - Yêu Thú Cưng

Pitbull is a very bloody dog

  • Longevity

The Pitbull is said to be a descendant of the English Bulldog with a lifespan of 12-16 years.

  • How to raise

– Health care

– Pitbull is always in a state of excess energy, you should give them regular exercise

– Nutrition

– Avoid foods containing a lot of grains such as rice, corn, potatoes

– Should choose foods rich in protein such as meat but must be low in fat, duck eggs, beef, …

– The best food for Pitbull is a dry food specifically for muscular dogs of big brands such as Royal Canin, Morando, Smartheart or Fitmin.

1.10 Yorkshire Dogs

The Yorkshire terrier originated in England, they are a small dog with a smooth coat, a popular pet dog in European countries.

yorkshire long hair,

Yorkshire Dog

  • Characteristics

The outstanding feature of Yorkshire is their small size, their weight is about 3.2kg and their height is about 23cm. The coat is developed, long and quite shiny.

This breed of dog is very good at catching mice, they are very sharp and quick. Friendly personality, sociable and close to everyone. Because of its small size, Yorkshire is suitable as a pet instead of doing other heavy jobs. Yorkshires are smart and also need the attention of their owners, so when raising them spend a lot of time with them.

  • Longevity

Yorkshire dogs have a fairly long life expectancy, from 13 to 16 years.

  • How to raise

Health care

– Use specialized shower gel to bathe Yorkshire regularly 1-2 times a week. After each bath, you should dry them and use a comb to remove any loose hair.

– Yorkshire dogs often have oily secretions in the eyes. You should observe and clean their eyes thoroughly.


– Add protein to develop their bones and muscles. Protein is found in foods like chicken thighs, lamb, and beef

– Carbohydrates will definitely be good for the health of Yorkshire like rice, sweet potatoes, …

– Yorkshire needs additional fat to keep their coat soft and shiny.

This is part 1 of top 20 dog origins, stay tuned and find out the last 10 beautiful dog origins with us!

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